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Strength through Resilience and Accountability


Resilience and accountability go hand in hand. In order to bounce back from adversity, we need to be willing to take responsibility for our actions. We need to acknowledge the mistakes we’ve made and the damage we’ve caused. But we also need to have the strength to keep going, even when things seem impossible. We need to be able to pick ourselves up and move forward—no matter what.

Of course, this is easier said than done. It can be incredibly difficult to take accountability for our actions, especially when those actions have caused harm to others. It can also be challenging to stay resilient in the face of adversity, especially when the odds are stacked against us. But as this week’s podcast guest shows, it is possible.

Molly Bloom, the real-life titular character of the Oscar-nominated film Molly’s Game, shares her unconventional journey through the highest of highs and lowest of lows in her life.

Her story began with the dream of becoming an Olympic skier. When a devastating injury put an end to that dream, Molly was forced to find a new path in life. But as her success grew, so did the risks. Molly soon found herself mixed up in a world of drugs, violence, and corruption. And when the FBI finally caught her, she was forced to confront the consequences of her actions.

Throughout it all, Molly Bloom demonstrated a remarkable level of resilience. Despite the many obstacles she faced, she never gave up. And even when things seemed impossible, she found a way to keep going. That’s evident in the way she handled her arrest, her trial, and her time in prison. Despite the many challenges, she never lost hope or succumbed to despair.

At the same time, she also took full accountability for her actions. She acknowledged the mistakes she made and the harm she caused to others. She didn’t make excuses or try to shift the blame onto anyone else. Instead, she assumed responsibility and worked to make amends.

I had this experience of what it feels like when I acted not in alignment with what I believe in and who I am. And I– I hated myself and I didn't want to fight for myself anymore. And this, like, almost delusional confidence that I'd always had was gone…I had been in that place and I'd come out of that place. I had done all this work. I had a very strong sense of pride that these were my choices and I was going to stand for them. I needed to take accountability.

This combination of resilience and accountability is ultimately what allowed Molly to rebuild her life. Her rise, fall, and subsequent restoration are powerful examples of how these two concepts can shape our lives and our experiences. She may have lost everything she had, but she didn’t let that defeat her. Instead, her experience was a catalyst for personal growth and self-reflection, and today she shares her story around the world. She takes stock of her life and her choices and decides to make changes that will help her live a more meaningful and fulfilling life.

Ultimately, the lesson of Molly’s Game is that we are all capable of resilience and accountability. We just need to be willing to take responsibility for our actions and keep making progress. By doing so, we can create a better future for ourselves and those around us.

Listen to her full conversation with Simon:

If you have a story about someone you know inspiring people to help others or how Simon’s work has inspired you, send it to us at [email protected], and we might share it here!

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